
The race marked out for us..

.... was NOT easy. As a matter of fact... we realized how flat our training ground (Athens) was when the ENTIRE course (midtown Atlanta) was uphill (not exaggerating).... sigh.... But it was the race we chose, and the course marked out for us.

There is so much symbolism in running... Which is why I deep-thinker, dreamer, and find-the-meaning-of-every-moment probably love it. And why Joseph lets-just-keep-life simple, does not.

Life is full of hills (these felt like mountains)... but together we encouraged each other to make it through. We also couldnt have done it without the loudly cheering volunteers on the sidelines. I am so grateful I don't have to do life's race alone and for the many friends who cheerlead me through.

Top Ten Highlights:
10. We stayed together the WHOLE time... the bright yellow duo
9. We finished.
8. My own personal goal was to smile, the whole time... and encourage those around me. I wanted to enjoy the moment.
7. We Finished.
6. We made several friends... 2 hours running next to someone will do that to you. There is some type of closeness you feel when you're sharing this type of insanity.
5. We Finished.
4. We prayed together every 3rd mile... working to remember that this was a gift, and also God's day. Our act of worship.
3. We Finished.
2. Joseph couldn't walk 9 months ago due to RA... today, he ran 13.1 miles.
1. We Finished- and not only that, but much faster than our training time... 2 hrs. 16min.

Now.... on to next thing (convincing Joe to do a FULL marathon.......;-))

"1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrew 12:1


Hannah in High Esteem.

"Let nothing be done through contention, neither by vain glory: but in humility, let each esteem others better than themselves."
Philippians 2:3

Tonight I will be attending a high school football game in honor of one of our long time ESP Campers, Hannah. Hannah is a bright eyed, freckled, positive high school senior who is on the cheerleading squad and who loves to sing, has a hundred or more friends, and who has also been nominated for homecoming court. Oh, and Hannah also has Down Sydrome.

I am very excited for Hannah... but what excites me even more about attending such a nastolgic event is... the senior class that nominated her. Homecoming and prom queen/king in high school is SUCH a big deal (remember those days?!). However, this senior class despite the pressure and expectations faced- has some type of maturity... some type of understanding of a bigger picture to sacrifice the "vain glory" and humbly esteem Hannah.

There may be a whole lotta "things going wrong in high schools these days".... but at Madison County High School there's a whole lotta right going on too.

http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/100110/new_714343182.shtml (Front Page news on ABH)
