
Hannah in High Esteem.

"Let nothing be done through contention, neither by vain glory: but in humility, let each esteem others better than themselves."
Philippians 2:3

Tonight I will be attending a high school football game in honor of one of our long time ESP Campers, Hannah. Hannah is a bright eyed, freckled, positive high school senior who is on the cheerleading squad and who loves to sing, has a hundred or more friends, and who has also been nominated for homecoming court. Oh, and Hannah also has Down Sydrome.

I am very excited for Hannah... but what excites me even more about attending such a nastolgic event is... the senior class that nominated her. Homecoming and prom queen/king in high school is SUCH a big deal (remember those days?!). However, this senior class despite the pressure and expectations faced- has some type of maturity... some type of understanding of a bigger picture to sacrifice the "vain glory" and humbly esteem Hannah.

There may be a whole lotta "things going wrong in high schools these days".... but at Madison County High School there's a whole lotta right going on too.

http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/100110/new_714343182.shtml (Front Page news on ABH)

