
I guess you could say I'm on the C-List

Well.. I have never done this. Blog about decorating that is. Yes. I fell into it.

I have ALWAYS loved interior decoration. From my very first venture in the 5th grade to create a cloud mural on my wall (unfortunately, i'm not an artist... and they turned out looking more like muffin tops) to my first loft in college and now the home for my family.

MAJOR PROBLEMO- the job profession I have chosen doesn't necessarily feed the habit financially or time-wise. My husband knows I love a good challenge and THUS, a "RULE" was created- If I want to purchase an item for the house- whether to make, hang or assemble.. it must be purchased from money received from selling another item in the house. Believe it or not- I stick to it.
How? Recreate, reuse, restore...
- I am a loud a proud Craigslist believer.
- I like to *try* to make my own stuff.
- Shopping in consignment stores to me is like reading a good book to many.
- I love to find a good bargain (& free shipping) on ebay, overstock etc.

Here's my first example, master bedroom
Bed: "donation" from the rents
Headboard: craigslist, spray painted yellow, duvet- overstock, free, shipping
Wall-art: W from Etsy.com, frame hand-made (wood from Lowe's, distressed w/bag full of bolts/nuts & stained)
Center pillow: Ikea.

"When the world is crazy and I need a break... sometimes a girl just needs to decorate." -Me (I sometimes say this in good humor to bring a smile to my husband who would be the last person on Earth to understand this concept)

So, for now, this is a taste of my hidden habit. I have friends and follow blogs of others out there who decorate with the same ideas. I think they would agree with me in that even if I had the money to be an A-lister I'd still choose to be a C-lister.. it's all a part of the thrill.


  1. Love the C List! You know I'm an addict too!

  2. You do have a nak for it... I mean I have a huge, beautiful green monster in my bedroom thanks to your made skills.

    And I love your ever evolving decor.

